Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cake Pops and Cupcakes

Lately I've been obsessed with cake pops and cupcakes. I make them as much as possible. Having a baby shower and need some cake pops? Sure!! I'll make cake pops for you!! Teacher Appreciation Day? Absolutely!! But every time I stay up till 3 am making those gorgeous little balls on a stick I tell myself this is the last time! But I know it's not. And I'm ever searching for the best cupcake ever in each and every flavor you could imagine. So far I think I've discovered the best ever chocolate, the best ever lemon, and the best ever red velvet. If you have a "best ever" cupcake recipe -- one that you believe cannot be topped by any other -- one you believe is the perfect in its category -- please share it with me! I'll share mine with you too!